Can You Go To Bermuda For 3 Days?

While planning a 3-day trip to Bermuda may sound like quite the undertaking, it can be done easily if you adhere to an itinerary that showcases all of what makes the island special. This guide has everything you need to know; it will teach you how to make the most of your short time, starting from must-see attractions to travel tips. If you’re wondering if 3 days is enough to explore Bermuda, you can learn more by visiting our detailed guide on How Many Days In Bermuda Is Enough?

Key Takeaways

  • Bermuda offers a diverse range of activities, from beaches to historical sites.
  • A well-planned 3-day itinerary can provide a fulfilling experience.
  • Travel tips and recommendations will enhance your trip.

Day 1: Arrival and Initial Exploration

Morning: Arriving in Bermuda

Getting There — Direct flights from major metropolitan areas such as New York, Miami, and Boston make getting to Bermuda a breeze. And the second your flight lands at L.F. Wade International Airport, you can feel yourself settling into Bermuda’s warm island hug around you — literally and metaphorically speaking of course.

Transport: Taxis, scooters for rent, and buses are simply accessible. They are a suitable means of transport for travelers with suitcases or who stay in a group.

Stay: Check in to your hotel or resort. An array of options includes luxurious resorts to charming guesthouses. Hamilton Princess & Beach Club is a leading pick for its location and amenities.

Afternoon: Hamilton City Tour

Your adventure in Hamilton, Bermuda’s capital. With its color-washed colonial-style buildings, Front Street is another great place for strolling and people-watching in quaint shops, cafes, or restaurants.

  • Lunch: Enjoy a meal at a waterfront restaurant like The Pickled Onion or Flanagan’s Irish Pub.
  • Shopping: Explore local boutiques for souvenirs. Don’t miss the Bermuda Craft Market for unique handmade items.

Evening: Sunset at Elbow Beach

Elbow Beach is a good beach for it. Its soft pink sand and crystal-clear waters are a great place to relax.

  • Activities: Swim, snorkel, or simply enjoy the view.
  • Dinner: Dine at Mickey’s Beach Bistro & Bar, offering delicious seafood with a view of the sunset.

Day 2: Discovering Bermuda’s Natural Beauty

Morning: Visit to the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo (BAMZ)

Start your day with a visit to the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo (BAMZ). It’s an educational and entertaining experience, perfect for all ages.

  • Exhibits: Learn about Bermuda’s marine life and terrestrial animals.
  • Activities: Participate in interactive exhibits and animal encounters.

Afternoon: Exploring Crystal Caves

Next, explore the Crystal Caves, one of Bermuda’s most stunning natural attractions. These caves feature dramatic stalactites and stalagmites, and crystal-clear underground pools.

  • Guided Tours: Available and highly recommended for learning about the cave’s history and geology.
  • Nearby Attractions: After the caves, visit the nearby Swizzle Inn for a traditional Bermuda Rum Swizzle.

Evening: Relax at Horseshoe Bay Beach

End your day at Horseshoe Bay Beach, famous for its crescent shape and powdery pink sand.

  • Activities: Swim, sunbathe, or enjoy beach sports.
  • Dinner: Head to the nearby Beach House Restaurant for a relaxed meal with ocean views.

Day 3: Cultural and Historical Insights

Morning: Explore St. George’s

St. George’s is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers a glimpse into Bermuda’s colonial past. For a more adventurous experience, you can explore the waters around St. George’s on Jetskis , adding a thrilling twist to your historical exploration.

  • Historic Sites: Visit St. Peter’s Church, the oldest Anglican church in the Western Hemisphere, and the Bermuda National Trust Museum.
  • Walking Tour: Join a guided tour to learn about the town’s history and significance.

Afternoon: Visit Fort Hamilton

After St. George’s, head to Fort Hamilton. This 19th-century fort offers panoramic views of Hamilton and the harbor.

  • Gardens: Explore the lush gardens surrounding the fort.
  • Photography: The fort’s ramparts provide excellent photo opportunities.

Evening: Dinner and Entertainment in Hamilton

Return to Hamilton for your final evening in Bermuda.

  • Dinner: Enjoy a meal at one of Hamilton’s fine dining restaurants, such as Barracuda Grill or Ascot’s Restaurant.
  • Entertainment: Experience Bermuda’s nightlife with a visit to a local bar or attend a live music performance.

Tips for a Perfect 3-Day Trip to Bermuda

  1. Pack Lightweight: Comfortable walking shoes, swimsuits, and lightweight clothing are the big three.
  2. Currency: Bermuda now uses the new Bermudian dollar (BBD) that is pegged to U.S. dollars at par. Most places take credit cards.
  3. Health & Safety: Bermuda is a safe place, but like anywhere, you must keep your wits about you and use common sense.
  4. Local Etiquette: Bermudians are known for being very polite. A big smile and a warm hello can be very effective.
  5. Climate: Bermuda has a subtropical climate. March till November is the ideal time to plan this place.

People Also Ask

Is 3 days enough to explore Bermuda?

Yes, 3 days is enough to examine Bermuda if you plan your itinerary well. You can visit the major attractions like Hamilton, St. George’s, and Crystal Caves, and enjoy the stunning beaches. While you won’t see everything, you’ll get a fine taste of what the island suggests.

What is the best time of year to visit Bermuda?

The best time to visit Bermuda is from March to November. During this time, the weather is warm and friendly, perfect for beach activities and exploring the island. The summer months, mainly from June to August, are the most famous with tourists.

How long can you stay in Bermuda as a tourist?

As a tourist, you can stay in Bermuda for up to 90 days without a visa. If you wish to stay extended, you may need to use an attachment or a different type of visa depending on your sense of stay. Here is the detailed article I write about you do you need a passport to go to Bermuda?

When not to go to Bermuda?

It’s best to avoid visiting Bermuda during the storm season, which runs from June to November, with the peak being from August to October. Although storms are not frequent, it’s wise to check weather forecasts and travel advisories before planning your trip during these months.


If planned perfectly, a 3-day trip to Bermuda could be an incredible and life-changing experience for you. The island boasts beautiful beaches with its pink sand and turquoise seas, perfect for resting, swimming, or exploring the island’s waters.

There is so much for history lovers to explore from the UNESCO World Heritage Site of St. George’s, one of seven in Bermuda, to Fort Hamilton’s displays that tell the story of how a tiny island was at an essential position in global trade and military routes through centuries gone by.

At the same time, there is a special, deeply ingrained local culture present — and so through colorful festivals, attractive cuisine dishes to taste, as well as in how friendly their people are.  Follow our recommendations for your itinerary and make sure to stop by BermudaGazette also. How many days do you feel a perfect Bermuda trip would require? Let us know in the comments!

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