Unraveling The Mystery Of the Bermuda Eel Rat: Fact or Folklore?

Bermuda Eel Rat

The Bermuda Eel Rat is a perplexing creature that often captures the attention of both locals and more than one cryptozoologist. In Bermuda’s rich folklore, this enigmatic creature is ingrained, a true representation of the wild unknown lurking in Bermudian waters.  But what on earth is a Bermuda Eel Rat? Is this folklore, a misconceived … Read more

John Dombrowski Bermuda Accident Report

John Dombrowski Bermuda Accident Report

The Truth Behind The John Dombrowski Bermuda Accident Report is creating a buzz for being difficult to understand and having life-altering ramifications. The report details the tragic overnight incident in Bermuda surrounding John Dombrowski. The article delves into and picks apart the report’s details, examines why it happened, and explores what broader implications were left … Read more

The Royal Gazette’s Impact on Bermuda

The Royal Gazette's Impact on Bermuda

Noticeably, the local Bermuda Royal Gazette continued to provide information from around the islands that has been a mainstay in Bermudian culture and community for more than 100 years. The oldest newspaper on the island, and one of its most influential too — pages that chronicled our country’s history, documenting moments either written off as … Read more

The Vision of Bermuda Gazette

The Vision of Bermuda Gazette

Bermuda Gazette is your news, entertainment, and fashion website. Our topics range from Health & Fitness to Luxury Lifestyle and Business & Finance. We aim to provide readers with information, timely reporting, and commentary, as well as a national forum for discussion to help form informed opinions in our democracy.  This article serves as an … Read more